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What is email automation and what are its benefits?

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways that businesses such as yours can communicate with clients and prospects. However, if you’re spending hours crafting emails for every customer or sending generic email blasts, then you may not efficiently and effectively achieve the results you want.

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7 Types of video content to boost your marketing campaigns

More and more businesses are using video marketing to achieve their marketing goals. In fact, the Content Marketing Institute said that video will be the top investment for marketers in 2022. If you too are interested in creating effective videos, you first need to know the different types of video content that will help you […]

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How to secure customer data collection

Modern businesses rely on customer data to improve their services and outperform their competitors. In a report by Deloitte and Touche, companies that use customer data to make decisions increased their profits by 60%. Unfortunately, data collection is now more difficult due to stricter privacy laws resulting from the rising number of security breaches.

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Ensuring business continuity with cloud technology

There are several ways to ensure business continuity, and storing your company’s data in the cloud is undoubtedly one of the best. In this post, we’ll discuss the advantages of cloud storage over other backup media and why your company should invest in it.

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5 Ways your business can benefit from dashboards

Data dashboards have become increasingly popular for businesses. These data visualization tools give you an overview of how your business is performing, and they cater to a wide variety of users, from marketing staff to project managers. Let’s take a look at how dashboards can support your business activities.

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Business intelligence tools: Why every SMB should use them

Business data is valuable. When utilized properly, it can enable small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) like yours to discover growth opportunities. One way to harness the power of data is to use business intelligence (BI) tools. Multinational companies have been using these tools for years with the assistance of experts who help make sense of […]

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What are identity and access management systems?

Businesses frequently deploy strong antivirus software and firewalls to protect themselves against cyberattacks, but relying on just those is not enough. A cutting-edge identity and access management (IAM) solution is essential for protecting your digital assets from hackers, rogue employees, and weak passwords.

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Why your company needs technology business reviews

Businesses across all industries need to invest in technology to remain competitive. But because not all technologies deliver on their promised benefits, it’s vital for business leaders and/or their IT partners to make sure that their technology investments are worth keeping.

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UPS: A must-have for network equipment

Power outages can happen anytime and for a number of reasons, including accidents and natural disasters such as fires and hurricanes. While there’s little your business can do to prevent a power outage, you can mitigate its impacts on your operations by deploying an uninterrupted power supply (UPS) for your computers and networking equipment.

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How embracing new tech can benefit your business

As a business owner, you understand the importance of upgrading your company’s technology infrastructure. You’re also aware that technology isn’t cheap, which is perhaps why you’re hesitant to invest in new hardware and software. But putting off or ignoring these upgrades altogether could mean missing out on benefits that add value to your business, including […]

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Don’t believe these disaster recovery myths

Modern technology changes rapidly, but not all businesses can match its pace. When it comes to disaster recovery (DR), for instance, we see business owners clinging to ideas that no longer apply. It’s high time you learn the truth about the following DR myths so you can stop believing them.

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How to choose the best MSP for your business

More and more business owners are discovering the importance of adopting efficient, flexible, and cost-effective IT systems. But as customers’ expectations evolve, so too does IT —sometimes becoming far too complex and demanding for businesses to manage on their own.

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