Microsoft Office 2019 vs. Office 365: A comparison

Microsoft Office is one of the most popular productivity suites for businesses. Over the years, Microsoft has released several versions of the product, all of which were designed to target different users or update outdated features. Two of the suite’s latest iterations, Office 365 and Microsoft Office 2019, contain many of the same standard applications, […]

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Save time with Bookings by Office 365

We all undeniably have hectic schedules, and they’re made even worse with unorganized meetings, impromptu playdates, and unscheduled yoga classes. To move or cancel appointments, your clients would generally have to pick up the phone and call someone, which can be a drag.

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Tweak your mindset to achieve success on the cloud

The cloud is not like some magic beans that’ll sprout sky-high stalks overnight and lead you to a castle full of riches. Don’t be misled by shiny words such as “increased productivity” and “collaboration” — your organization won’t realize these benefits unless everyone actually puts in the work to make the cloud work. If you want to use the cloud successfully, you might have to change your mind about a thing or two before you migrate to the cloud.

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Is your Office 365 environment secure?

Microsoft’s Office 365 is one of the most powerful business productivity tools today. This cloud-hosted suite lets users work anywhere and collaborate easily. Although it’s undoubtedly useful, Office 365 may present a few security challenges that businesses must address.

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What Office Delve does for Office 365 users

Office 365 is a cloud-based productivity suite that is popular with small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs). It’s offered in a wide variety of subscription plans, making it even more popular among businesses. To deal with users’ concerns with storing/accessing data within Office 365, Microsoft has released Office Delve.

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Better ways to use Office 365

With Office 365, your business can gain a lot, but you won’t benefit from it if you don’t know how to use this service. Do you want your employees to be more productive? You can’t go wrong if you follow these simple steps to boost your business.

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Improve your PowerPoint skills with these tips

Office workers are far too familiar with slideshow presentations that are either more soporific than cough medicine or are horrible time sinks that make them miss their deadlines. To avoid becoming the next target of their ire and resentment — and perhaps become the presenter everyone actually enjoys — here are some tips on how […]

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Let Office 365 help you save the date

Arranging meetings that work with everyone’s schedules is a pain — especially if participants don’t work in your office. A calendar that is easy to share publicly simplifies everything from scheduling calls with clients to quarterly meetings with business partners.

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Choose the best Office 365 plan

Office 365 has become the go-to all-in-one tool for businesses in recent years. With different Office 365 plans — Business, Business Premium, Enterprise E1, E3, and E5 — you can have a set of services and features that are perfect for your business.

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Help yourself: use these Office 365 features

Need help getting some work done? Microsoft constantly releases new Office 365 features that can give you an edge over the pile of work on your computer. With some of the new Office 365 features, you can Skype over a document with your coworkers, plot charts into Excel with ease, and even sign for a […]

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Make the most out of your O365 subscription

It may seem as if Office 365 is merely Microsoft’s way of joining the online subscription bandwagon, but that’s not the case. O365 is Microsoft’s way of upgrading its ubiquitous Office suite by augmenting it with cloud features. Office apps and the files you create with them are accessible wherever there’s an internet connection, but […]

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Work Smarter in Outlook with these tips

People are constantly searching for an easier way to keep their email inboxes in order, customize their email signatures, and improve group communications. The good news is that Microsoft Outlook has these features built in, you just need to know where to look.

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